If a trainer is accused of spreading Fake NLP or that there is a high probability that he is a Fake NLP trainer, he will demonstrate whether he is a NLP trainer or a Fake NLP trainer. A Fake NLP trainer will, most likely, react in one of the following ways:
- Simply keep quiet in the hope that people won’t notice that he is selling Fake NLP.
- Confront the accuser by saying something along the lines of: “Who are you to decide what is NLP?”
- Complain about the lack of rapport, demonstrating not only that he is a Fake NLP trainer but also that he misunderstands rapport.
- Accusing Fake NLP trainer of Fake NLP somehow goes against the “spirit of NLP” even though when asked how “the spirit of NLP” forbids accusing Fake NLP trainers of selling Fake NLP there is not a single answer.
A NLP trainer on the other hand would react differently. In his or her case the second Test of the TOTE-model (Test Operate Test Exit) would trigger. Somehow somewhere communications have gone wrong. Time to find out what has gone wrong and how to rectify the situation. This is normally done by asking for the reasons of the accusation and an exchange of ideas as to whether the accusation is correct or not and if not correct, what made it that the accuser made the accusation in the first place. That in turn may lead to an optimization of the communications, a learning experience for everyone involved and in the case of unjust accusations, public apologies of the accuser.
NLP is a methodology to map human behaviors that at its heart uses the TOTE-model to keep on learning and improving matters, especially if something goes wrong. If a trainer isn’t demonstrating this learning and improving behavior, it is likely that you are dealing with a Fake NLP trainer.